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Tummy Tuck Surgery in Kolkata

Are you tired of sticking to a diet and exercise regime that failed to respond to belly or midsection fat. Does your tummy makes you appear pregnant despite months and years after the delivery?

A flat-toned tummy is a dream for every woman. Child-bearing or previous obesity is usually responsible for over stretching of abdominal tissues which do not return back to original shape through fat burning process. Poor fat distribution of fat genetically is also a reason for enlarged abdomen. Other common causes include heredity, aging, prior surgery, and frequent fluctuations in weight.

The Solution

A specialized body contouring surgery can help you to obtain the desired result. Loose abdominal skin or a stretched abdominal wall due to pregnancy or obesity can be rectified by abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). At Bain Clinic, we make sure our patients get desired results under the expert care of experienced doctors and surgeons.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

The tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty is a procedure that involved removal of excess fat and skin. It helps restore the weakened or separated muscles by building a smooth and firm abdominal profile.

Best Candidate for a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck surgery is appropriate for both men and women in good health. Women with several pregnancies can benefit from this procedure as it tightens abdominal muscles and reduce the skin.

Who is Not a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Women planning to get pregnant in future or lose a lot of weight should not opt for a tummy tuck surgery.

The Procedure

The procedure takes anywhere from 1-5 hours. Patient is put under general anaesthesia. Our surgeon will create a horizontally-oriented incision in the area between the belly button and the pubic hairline for a full tummy tuck. The overall length and shape of the incision will depend on excess skin. The abdominal skin is lifted to repair underlying weak abdominal muscles.

Surgeon will make second incision around the navel to remove the excess skin in the upper abdomen. The skin is pulled down and trimmed. Rest of the skin is sutured together and a new belly button opening for is created. Incisions will be closed by using tapes, skin adhesives, clips, or sutures.

The Final Result

A successful tummy tuck surgery in Kolkata will lead to a flatter, firmer abdominal contour. This is created according to your body type and weight. You will start to see a difference once swelling subsides and the drains are taken out.

How long do the results of a Tummy Tuck Last?

The results of tummy tuck lasts for many years (almost permanent) if there is no significant weight gain or pregnancies post procedure. Natural aging may cause certain amount of slackening of tissues. However, this does not happen to the extent before surgery.


Tummy tuck surgery is a non-evasive procedure. Surgeon usually stitch and bandage the area. Special care instructions will be given for the bandage after surgery. It is also important to follow instructions on ways to position yourself while sitting/lying down. This helps ease the pain and better healing. All strenuous activities should be restricted for at least 6 weeks. Surgeons usually recommend 2-4 week’s off from work after surgery (depending on extent of surgery).

Is the Surgery Painful?

The amount of pain related to a tummy tuck surgery is quite variable. Some people report a moderate amount of discomfort while some say it is more intense. But there will be some pain and your surgeon will give you a prescription for pain relievers.

Cost of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Overall cost of abdominoplasty in Kolkata and other parts of India is affordable as compared to western countries. The exact cost will depend on the extent of surgery and whether it is done in combination of liposuction. Call/WhatsApp ta +91-629-006-1477 for cost details.

If you are a patient seeking quality healthcare at affordable prices!.